Monday, October 12, 2009

The One And Only... SmartCar

You're driving in the right lane when suddenly a small vehicle whizzes by you. At first, you may think it's a Volkswagen Beetle like I did, but driving up closer to the car, you realize you're quite wrong. Envision a two seat hatchback; the Smart Car. Quite possibly one of the most ugliest cars I have ever seen, along with the PT Cruiser. The Smart Car, which originated in Europe is suddenly becoming popular in the United States as we learn to become more environmentally aware.

In city driving, the Smart Car gets a reported 46.3 miles per gallon, while highway driving is an even more impressive 68.9 miles per gallon. Now it's getting easier to understand why people drive these efficient little cars back and forth to work. While you can't exactly take the kids home from soccer practice in the Smart Car, it would be a nice essential to have. Most city drivers only have a driver and sometimes a passenger in the car to begin with, so who needs the extra space if you're not going to use it right?

This commercial for the Smart Car is clever and entertaining for all people. It was enjoyable for me to watch with all the crime references, since I have an interest in criminal movies and T.V. Shows. It's simple, easily remembered, well thought out and well put together. Though I haven't seen it aired on T.V. in America, I feel it should be. More commercials and advertisements for the Smart Car should be seen through the U.S. if we want to become more Eco-friendly. And though many people think that the Smart Car is expensive and pointless, in the end, it's around $12,000 and the amount of money you save on gas is almost worth it. Personally, I wouldn't ever find myself in a Smart Car; as great as the fuel efficiency is, it's honestly just not my style. But whatever gets you from point A to point B that you're satisfied with, works just fine.


  1. Crucial video, but good. I myself wouldnt drive a smart car either because of the fact that once you get into an accident, that's it. But i like the idea of it.

  2. Good video, and I think that it should be aired in the US also, because everybody is now suddenly getting "environmentally friendly". I also wouldn't drive a smart car, not my style either, and plus i like having a lot of people in the car with me, so a car that only fits two people wouldn't work for me.

  3. This video is funnie, i had never seen it. I like it cause it cuts straight to the point. But I also cannot picture myself in a Smart car for the same reason, its not my style.

  4. Oh smart car how you make me laugh. It is just so small and.... small. It is understandable though how much you would save on this car. It is honestly a two person, roofed motorcycle, so very efficent and a little trunk space as well. Whats not to like, other then the fact it is small.
