Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'm Gonna Live Where the Green Grass Grows...

When I Think "Maryland", I think of agriculture. Growing up around farmland, you notice how much greener the grass is, and how fresh the air smells in the beginning of spring and fall. The scenery is one of the most blissful things to see.

But as the years pass, and the economy grows larger, people need larger homes or homes that are closer to their jobs. Farmers are loosing farms by the year, selling them to make profit. Only to have the farms be taken over by construction companies who drop houses or build houses on the land. To be honest, it almost breaks my heart driving by the old farmland every day and seeing houses and roads being put in. The very farmland that I used to sled ride in during the snow days, take pictures of, and walk through.

This region of Maryland is supposed to be agricultural in my opinion. There are other parts of the state that are more city-like. Take Baltimore for example, where many people have jobs. I guess it's just the fact that Brunswick has a train station where many people choose to ride trains to work in Baltimore or D.C. while Brunswick is a rural community, but there is no more 'small town' scenario.

The farms go down, and houses come up. Farmers sell their land for a decent profit, and sometimes under a decent profit. Farm owners children and family can no longer take over the family farm, instead new families take over and create a new urban community. So whos call is it? is it necessary for all this land to be taken over by buildings? or should it be left alone to keep America beautiful? and what's going to happen when all of our farms are gone completely?

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