Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good Morning Frederick

You can always tell the difference between a 'morning' person, and a not so morning person. The look on their face is distinctive. A morning person's eyes are wide as they beeline their way through the Sheetz gas station on a Thursday morning. They quickly punch which kind of breakfast sandwich they want into the touch-screen computer, grab a large coffee, pick up their made-to-order food, and they are on their way. A non-morning person yawns about 5 times a minute and takes 3 times as long to figure out what they want from the gas station.

It's hard to not be a morning person at Sheetz though. As you pull into the building the first thing you'll always notice is red with a yellow stripe across the whole building. The majority of the people at Sheetz know what they want. They are in and out within minutes. Most people who just come to get gas simply swipe their card at the gas pump for even easier access. The first thing I noticed as I open my car door at Sheetz was the smell of coffee. Even from a distance outside the store. If i weren't awake before I pulled into Sheetz, I was now. Looking around, the energy was crazy. Everyone looked as if they were on a mission. I was thinking to myself, "This Sheetz is so much different from the one in Brunswick." because people who come into the local Sheetz in my town are always so laid back. This particular Sheetz was totally different. The Sheetz employees greeted me with a smile and a "Hello" as I walked in.

The colors of the inside are just as, if not even a little more, vibrant on the inside as they are outside. Lime green and squiggle designs cover the walls. To my right, a police man getting his large coffee for the day ahead of him, and to my left, a businessman getting his lunch for the day and also holding coffee in his hands. No one inside of this Sheetz was a non morning person. I knew this was because this particular Sheetz was placed in more of a city-like scene. Many people have business jobs in Frederick.

With one last look around I notice how organized Sheetz is. Associates are stocking things completely full, rapidly, because people are eager to buy them. Sections of the floor are being mopped so that they look shinier and cleaner. Many work associates came in together that morning as if they were good friends carpooling together. The atmosphere was very awake and surprisingly positive. I must have only seen 3 groggy looking, not-so-morning people. I chuckle because these people are exactly like me. The expression on their face looked as if they were almost saying "I don't do mornings". I guess it didn't help that those 3 people were all dragged into Sheetz by a morning person.


  1. Great observations! I am a morning person so I can attain to this. We are up and ready to go with a set agenda! You used a lot of detail and I really got into your descriptions. I also liked the way you ended.:)

  2. You described this place better than i did. Haha.

  3. I really enjoyed your blog, Zoe! And you are hilariously right about the morning people and well...like you said, not-so-morning people.

    I am ashamed to admit that I am a not-so-morning person. It's just that my bed feels so comfortable at dawn! Part of my problem could be that I stay up pretty late sometimes...but hey, I have trouble sleeping! Ah well, what's important is that as long as the not-so-morning person gets up each day and gets what they need to do done, I guess that's whats really important. We may complete our task with a not-so-bright smile on our faces, but hey, we still get it done! :]

  4. Hey Zoe!
    i really liked your blog, and yea your right about all of us having kind f different but some what similar observations. It's funny how i didn't even notice the walls that were keeping me warm inside, but you did. I liked how you stuck with "morning person"/"not so morning person", through out your observation! Good Job=D

  5. I really liked it. You definitely woke me up. I would haved like to see more of how crazy it was. How else was the place crazy enough to wake you up? Were there cars in line to fill up gas. Were there people scrambling to get things first?

  6. I am so not a morning person so I would have been the one yawning and taking my own sweet time placing my order. I'm so glad I am not alone but hey not everyone is the same. I liked this blog a lot, good job!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Its kind of funny that we were all at sheetz on Thursday, and we all got different things out of it, even though we all agreed on what we saw. good descriptions! :)
