Thursday, September 3, 2009

Music Is Where The Heart Is.

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "Music is where the heart is". I created this motto to better explain more or less what I live for. Most people would consider my motto a twist on words for the old saying "Home is where the heart is" but in reality, music is my home.

For the majority of the people in the world, home is a place where you can feel warm and safe. Which, don't get me wrong, I feel the same way too. Home is the only place I can go where I know things are safe, and also where I know the people I love are. But when I play music, I also feel the same sensations. It doesn't necessarily mean that I could be full on writing a song I created or playing a song someone else wrote; because I feel safe playing music even if it is strumming the same chord over and over again on the guitar. Honestly, that's the best thing to do when I feel stressed. Just to hear the sound of a melody helps to put me at ease.


  1. thats cool that you can play music, and i do agree music is where the heart is because i love music, but DANCING to it=D

  2. iifff only i could play music. but i agree.. lol music is awesome when i feel stressted out.

  3. Im so jealous that you can play music. I just listen to it. haha but i LOVE music, can't go a day without it.

  4. I love music. This is a cool personal bumper sticker. Music is a nice escape and you can really speak your mind through song:)

  5. Ah music, one of this worlds great accomplishments. Wow that was deep, my bad.

  6. I love music for its diversity. I can be happy and listening to country or mad and listening to hard rock. Music really is where the home is because you can always relax to it.

  7. Music is my life, the sweet serenity of melody. I've loved music my entire life and love playing it as well. I understand the sense of feeling at "home" even if we live only by our sense of hearing, as music definitely can make us feel that same sense of ease. =]

  8. that's a great bumper sticker, most great musician would probably say the same (=

  9. So true. They say music is what feelings sound like. It's a great lose yourself in a melody or submerse yourself in a lyric. It really is a wonderful form of emotional therapy sometimes.

  10. I have always felt like music is a powerful medium for a message delivered in style. I love listening to the intricacies of the melody and beat as much as I do the lyrics of a moving song. "Feel good music," has the potential to completely change my spirits for the better when I am feeling down. Too often people use the power of music to deliver the wrong type of messages.
