Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We Don't Need No.. Extortion

What an image. Though it isn't a real one, I feel it's highly controversial. This is what the future could amount to if we keep going with the economy the way we are now. Gas prices have fluctuated so much throughout the past and have created a major economical impact. Since cars first came out in the early 1900's, gasoline has been the choice of many Americans who drive. Since then, things have progressed. Gas prices have gone up and down. They've seen the price of 25 cents per gallon, and almost 5 dollars per gallon.

At the highest point of gas prices in my life, I was around about 15, learning how to drive a car. It was the beginning of summer and my mom had told me that during the summer, the gas prices go even higher than usual because so many people are going on vacation. Oil companies raise their prices because number one, oil is getting harder to find, and number two, they always try to get it as high as they can to make money. One day, I'm pretty sure gasoline may be as rare as a pearl in an Oyster. My mom always used to nag about how much she hated getting gas. Especially since growing up middle class, we didn't have nice, newer, economical cars. We had your average clunker that got maybe 14 miles per gallon. You know, the ones that always needed to be filled up.

The use of the word Extortion was a very good play on words for this image. It would be like blackmail if anyone had to pay this much for gas. I would feel cheated out of driving my own car in a way. It makes the image much more controversial. Oil companies would probably have a cow if they saw all the altered images such as this one that we've created.

The way our country thrives for oil, America could be screwed in the future. I don't think I wanna live to see the day when I drive by an Exxon that says Regular: $12.89. I actually just got a cold chill at the thought of paying that much for gas. Job wages are definitely going to have to go up for any of us to afford gas at that cost. People may resort to just riding their bikes, or walking to work. Or if it's far away, taking the train, or a bus. But those two things will probably cost more also if the price of gasoline is ranging at about 13 dollars a gallon. I'm just hoping we never resort to paying this much for gas.


  1. I hope so too Zoe. This is a funny picture, even my dad thought it was funny. I like your thoughts and background knowledge that you shared. And i also believe later on its going to be hard finding gas. I agree with it being controversial.!

  2. this is something we ALL can relate to, and it's a shame that we have to be subject to these games the oil companies play with the prices. And I most definetly agree: we our going to have a grim future when it comes to transportation if the oil runs out in our lifetimes. Nice choice, and I liked the title btw (Pink Floyd by any chance?)

  3. It'll be horrible if this actually happens. Since we are most likely consuming much more gasoline than we are finding it. I really hope that they would start introducing to the major population about ethanol. It is an alternative for gas, also hope it would be an affordable price. So in the future we wont be spending as much for our fuel.

  4. I love clever analogies like this. We need to raise awareness and promote change.

  5. I agree with everything you said. Gas will probably be rare to find in the future. You wrote nothing but the truth.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Those prices are actually a reality in Europe. While we were stationed there, we were given gas coupons by the military, perhaps to soften the blow. It is unfortunate that Americans are addicted to gasoline, an addiction that does not seem to be going anywhere. Our lives continue to be too “important"
